Sammy – Tales Of Great Neck Glory

Posted in Underrated Albums by Noel on 23 November, 2008

picture-15If Coldplay is the more accessible, less threatening version of Radiohead, then Sammy is the more accessible, less threatening version of Pavement. And this, going by how happy Chris Martin seem to be these days, is not necessarily a bad thing.

So it’s too bad this 1996 release would be the band’s last. If they had continued, they would have surely come into their own by now. No more charges for being derivative. Just as how now no one thinks Muse to sound anything like Suede.

R.I.Y.L. Pavement, Velvet Underground, the Strokes

Sammy – Tales Of Great Neck Glory

Note: This post got me thinking about other bands often accused of being too derivative. Whatever happened to Gene?

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  1. Robin said, on 23 November, 2008 at 7:59 pm

    I think the sad bit about these bands were that they seemed to be like in the right-band-wrong-time scenario. There were so many competitors around. Either that, they probably suffered a lack of favor with the media. Sometimes all it need is the hype to get people to sit up & listen…

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