Jonny Polonsky – Hi, My Name Is Jonny

Posted in Underrated Albums by Noel on 12 November, 2008

polonskyIn 1996, one album arrived on the scene from an artist bursting with potential. The collection of songs were pop but with a slight quirk so they never quite sit comfortably on the radio. Critics were lauding the then-22-year-old singer-songwriter as a prodigy. Many agreed. Including Frank Black, who gave Jonny Polonsky his break after hearing his demo tape.

Some albums get me excited about the album to follow. Pavement’s Slanted & Enchanted made me think that a more produced album would allow the songs to shine, and they did with Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain. Same with Hi, My Name Is Jonny. I was looking forward to the sophomore effort, when the potential laid out in the first will finally have the chance to be realised.

That album would not arrive until eight years later, and by then, no one cared.

R.I.Y.L. the Pixies, Adam Green, Elvis Costello

Jonny Polonsky – Hi, My Name Is Jonny

Jonny Polonsky – Love Lovely Love

Bonus Download: Before the album was the single “Love Lovely Love,” which created a buzz on U.S. college radio. On this release were b-sides that were just as good as the single, including an inspired, re-imagining of Nirvana’s “In Bloom,” and an open-hearted ditty wonderfully titled “In The Centre Of My Heart There Is A Force That Is Commonly Known As Love.”

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